Pep Canadell is a Senior Principal Research Scientist in the CSIRO Climate Science Centre and Executive Director of the Global Carbon Project, a global consortium of scientists under the umbrella of Future Earth and a scientific partner of the World Climate Research Programme. The GCP studies the impact of human activities on the carbon cycle and other biogeochemical cycles, and its associated changes in the climate system. Pep focuses on collaborative and highly integrative research to develop Australian, regional and global budgets and trend analyses of the main greenhouse gases. His focus is in using robust understanding of Australian and global biogeochemical cycles to address questions of great policy relevance.

Saskia Beudel completed a PhD in Communications in 2011. She held a postdoctoral research position at the National Institute of Experimental Arts at UNSW; a Research Fellowship at the University of Sydney; and at the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich, Germany. She is currently an Adjunct Associate Professor in the Centre for Creative and Cultural Research at the University of Canberra, where she teaches writing and literary studies. Her books include Borrowed Eyes, A Country in Mind, and Curating Sydney: Imagining the City’s Future